As a kid, I used to think of the holiday season as the most joyful time of the year; the imaginary scene of cozying by the fire, drinking hot chocolate, and watching Home Alone is all that comes to mind. But as an adult, the season comes with tons of worry because I need to clear up my work schedule before I travel to my family, buy hundreds of dollars worth of gifts, and lose a few pounds to prepare for what I’m about to gain.
But, that doesn’t mean that the holiday season can’t be in fact a joyful and stress-free one. With the right preparations, you can enjoy the holiday season like the joyful scene you’ve held on to since you were a child. Keep reading to know how to prepare for the New Year in these 5 ways.
Don’t label food
I have been struggling with my relationship with food ever since I was a teenager. I tried out every diet there is, including one where I had to eat a boiled egg for lunch! So, as I grew up, I started seeing food as the enemy… until I came across a book called “Just Eat It” which taught me the concept of intuitive eating and it was life-changing.
The concept of intuitive eating is especially beneficial during the holiday season because for those like me, the New Year is usually accompanied by a lot of guilt from the food I ate in the holidays. Ever since I read the book, I decided that this will change. Pumpkin pies and chocolate-filled croissants are not “bad” and steamed vegetables and hummus dips are not “good”.
Of course, there are certain foods that offer more nutritional value than others, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t indulge in both. When we put labels on food, our body loses the sense, the intuitive, of what it needs. Eating becomes emotion-driven, whether guilt or feeling better about yourself.
According to Meda Inc, restricting causes an endless cycle of restricting-bingeing that’s because people feel shame when they eat, so they binge to cope with these emotions, and then restrict, and then binge again. And the cycle becomes really hard to break.
So, this holiday season, I want you to listen to what your body wants to eat; give it the nutrients it needs, and also satisfy your cravings. There isn’t want a dish that is off-limits. Choose portions mindfully and enjoy the delicious festive meals.
Move your body every day
For years, I had the all-or-nothing mindset, and it freaking crippled me, literally. It was either an intense 1-hour workout or laying on the couch, no in-between. When I was on a holiday or far from the gym I loved going to, I wouldn’t do anything to move my body. But as I have learned to listen to my body and actually feel the effects of moving my body every day, exercise is no longer something I despise doing. In fact, I currently feel that my body craves movement. I exercise because it makes me feel good about myself, along with many other health benefits.
Do, during the holidays I don’t want to deprive myself of this uplifting feeling of endorphins entering my body. So, I’ll make movement part of my daily routine no matter where I go. Some days, physical activity can be a short walk outside, others a yoga class or a lifting session. Whatever feels right at the time, but what matters is that you move your body even if it’s a 15-minute online workout.
Ditch traditions you’re not comfortable with
We’ve grown up with holiday season traditions, some we like, some not so much (If you’re reading this, I’m sorry mom). Last year, we all had to experience the holiday season differently because of the global pandemic.
Even if it was lonelier than ever, there were some good things about it such as not rushing around to buy gifts and having an endless to-do list for holiday preparations. This gave us some time to reevaluate what is really important during that time, and for me, it was the company.
So, this year I want you to become more present. Live in the moment, do what feels good to you – it could be baking some pastries, taking a walk in the snow, or even not visiting some people who take a toll on your mental health. Make your own traditions, and ditch those that don’t make you comfortable.
Take a probiotic supplement daily
Since I’m obsessed with everything health-related, I always stack up on different types of supplements. Whatever comes to your mind, it’s somewhere in my house. I love experimenting with supplements and seeing how my body feels… drinking different herbs and anything that promises to better my health.
Probiotics are the supplements I could never give up on. They keep your gut healthy, and therefore your brain healthy since there’s a huge connection between your gut health and your mental health. So, when packing for the holidays make sure that you have a probiotic with you to help your digest all the delicious food, reduce stomach bloating, and overall keep your body feeling good. I mean, what’s worth than stomach cramps with a tremendous amount of gas at your family’s dining table?
Eat more vegetables
One thing we tend to do during the holidays, or at least I did, is to “make space” for the delicious food in my stomach. When I knew I was about to indulge in my grandmother’s mouth-watering roast turkey, I wouldn’t eat anything else before. This caused me to overeat food that isn’t nutrient-dense, so my body was feeling full, yet not nourished if you know what I mean.
I felt uncomfortably full and bloated, even my probiotics couldn’t save me from the amount of gluten and sugar I ate. So, to enjoy myself – and the food – during the holidays, I decided to snack on vegetables before big meals and always have a side of vegetables with everything I eat. It makes me feel better and become my healthiest self without depriving my body of the food it craves and the nutrients it needs.